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United Kingdom: 3-5 business days
I'll do my best to meet these shipping estimates, but can't guarantee them.
Actual delivery time will depend on the shipping method you choose.

Customs and import taxes International Orders:
Please allow 2 To 8 weeks for delivery as some shipments get delayed in customs.
Please note some foreign shipments do not have tracking.  International orders may
be charged additional fees and import taxes from your country when it's
delivered to you. Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may
apply. I'm not responsible for delays due to customs.


I gladly accept returns. Please see individual item for details

If by any chance you are not satisfied with the quality of your product, (which I hope you will be once you see the product in your hands!) you may return it in original condition for a refund. Postage must be paid by you for the return. Please contact me to request my return address.

Any refund or return must be requested within 10 days of the date of receipt. I don't accept exchanges or cancellations. But, please contact me if you have any problems with your order as I aim to ensure you are happy with your product and our relationship!

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